David Cheifetz Newsletter | September 9
Sent: 9/10/2012 1:05:33 AM


Dear Subscribers,




Just got back from Texas. The reception for my One-Man Show at R.S.
Hanna Gallery 
went awesome. The show looked great, gallery got crowded, lots of nice
people, more sales and good times all around. Couldn't have asked for a
better opening. I'll include photos from the show in next week's


New still life. Had to paint the floodlight again.


The setup. The bulb area of the floodlight will be the primary focal
point, with the onion as a secondary focus:



First stage. Some thoughts: There are easier ways to draw a circle. One
could use a template or a compass or a roll of tape or something. But
I'd be missing out on an opportunity to exercise my "eye" and my drawing
skills. Drawing is drawing. So honing my eye with a simple geometrical
shape will translate to drawing anything else. While the end result
won't be a perfect circle, carefully chiseling away and adjusting this
shape throughout the painting is time well spent. I start with large
angles (an octagon) and keep breaking it down, wiping away the excess



Next stage:



Next stage:



Next stage. I want the bulb, the foremost part of the cord, and the
onion to be in sharp focus, with everything else receding:



Next stage:



Next stage:



Next stage. I feel that the warmth and darkness of the vase is starting
to become too prominent. It's taking away some of the focus from the
lamp and onion. I decide to knock the vase back:



And the finished painting, "Cyclops"




(Click through the image above to Like it, Pin it, Tweet it.)


Animation! To see an animation of the painting process, click HERE






(Foil Things; 70 Novato)



(From North Beach to the Pyramid; Veiled District; Kettlebell & Citrus)



(Sentinel Foil; Fortress)



Until next week,

David A. N. Cheifetz


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