David Cheifetz Newsletter | September 23
Sent: 9/23/2012 11:29:06 PM

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Dear Subscribers,


On Monday I did a paint-along demo in class, this time using knife technique. This is how far we got in class :

I continued:

And the finished still-life, "Delta Powerlite" (8x10)

(Click through the image above to Like it, Pin it, Tweet it.)

I grabbed that old electric lantern at an estate sale in SF last weekend. Great find, got a good deal on it.

And two new miniatures! These will be available at the upcoming "Tiny" exhibition at Studio Gallery in SF. Painted them both thick with a knife.

"Grapefruit" (5x5):

(Click through the image above to Like it, Pin it, Tweet it.)

First stage:

Next stage:

"Nucleus" (5x5):

(Click through the image above to Like it, Pin it, Tweet it.)

Guess what? A solo show? July? San Francisco?
:) details pending...

Until next week,
David A. N. Cheifetz

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