Dear Subscribers,
At the risk of repeating myself ad nauseam, I'm convinced that it's not WHAT you paint but HOW you paint it, especially with still life. That being said, the WHAT part really mattered this past week. I was having the damnedest time coming up with a new concept and spent nearly 2 full days arranging and re-arranging compositions.
Realization: I was tired of my current stock of objects.
Solution: Went to the thrift store and got more junk. This eventually led to an idea.
Lesson: Shake things up more often.
New painting.
The setup:
Blocking in the shape of darks:
Would have been better to tone the panel beforehand. As a result I needed to cover up that white pretty quick.
And the finished painting, "Vacancy" (24x12). The subject matter reflects the state of my creativity-meter at the beginning of last week. An empty glass and a dim bulb, that's how I felt. I'm very happy with this one, and it's put me in a revived place:
(Click through the image above to Like it, Pin it, Tweet it) View larger version of the image HERE.
This week I'm participating in the 94109 show at Studio Gallery in SF!
Next Sunday is the opening reception! 2pm-6pm.
All I have to do now is paint something for it :)
As previously mentioned, after my July solo show I've got another exhibition in September. I've added a new page to my website for this event at RS Hanna Gallery.
It's called "Catch A Rising Star" and it will open simultaneously with an awesome "Two Woman Show".
Until next week,
David A. N. Cheifetz
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