David Cheifetz Newsletter | August 11
Sent: 8/11/2013 10:27:05 AM

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Dear Subscribers,


My show Catch A Rising Star at RS Hanna Gallery in Fredericksburg opens on September 2nd! Look for me in the September Issue of American Art Collector.

This is me on Tuesday morning, scraping out Monday's hard work:

A occasional scraped painting is not time wasted. It's more like warming up before a workout; what needs to happen before the real work begins. I was then able to sit in silence (taking my own advice from last week) and conceive of an idea to be enthusiastic about.

The setup (this got shifted around during the process...you'll see why):

First stage:

Next stage:

Next stage:

Next stage:

Next stage:

Next stage:

And the finished painting, "Phantasm" (12x16):

(Click through the image above to Like it, Pin it, Tweet it)

Larger view here.

View an animation of the above process here.


Nightfall Path  (12x24)

Until next week,
David A. N. Cheifetz

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