David Cheifetz Newsletter | March 30
Sent: 3/30/2014 12:50:39 PM

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Dear Subscribers,


I began a new large painting this week. I'm continuing the theme of "Pattern One" from last week's newsletter.

Shown below are two painting knives I'm using. Holbein MX no.1 and MX no.4. The smaller one is my workhorse, my favorite, and the only one I really need. But the larger no.4 on the right is great for covering more area on a big panel like this, especially at the beginning. 

I'm using a 30"x40" cradled (2" deep) Ampersand Gessobord. It had the beginning stages of a previously abandoned cityscape on it. I started by massing in the black shapes with the big knife. No initial drawing. Ballsy or Foolish? I'm not sure if I've decided on the answer to that yet. But like last week, I think this approach is compatible with the concept.

I like where this is going so far. To be continued.........

Until next week,
David A. N. Cheifetz

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