David Cheifetz Newsletter | May 11
Sent: 5/11/2014 1:16:02 PM

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Dear Subscribers,

I'm back. Greetings from Seattle! We have successfully moved.
The new painting space is smaller but good. Pics of that soon. 

Got back into painting mode with a still life.
A good haul from the giant Seattle Goodwill store:

The setup:

And so begins an all-alkyd experiment (a fast-drying version of oil paint. I was inspired to try them by the great Jeff Legg who really likes them):

First stage:

Next stage:



And the finished painting, "Little Red Mug" (9x12):

(Click through the image above to Like it, Pin it, Tweet it)

My painting "The Deadlift" won 2nd place $500 in the March Boldbrush Competition:

"Mandarin & Retinue"  ;  "Traversing the Morning Shadow Behind the Bear"
"A Glass of Milk and Some Onions"  ;  "Night Convoy"
"Value v. Color (A Dispute)"  ;  "Gold on Warm"

Until next week,
David A. N. Cheifetz

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