David Cheifetz Newsletter | May 18
Sent: 5/18/2014 12:07:53 PM

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Dear Subscribers,

Greetings! I've been in full still life mode and it never gets old. Two new paintings this week.

[Sidebar for artists: For those wondering, so far I'm loving those alkyd paints that I mentioned (at least with the knife, haven't tried with brushes). I'm a sucker for high gloss (using original Galkyd medium). And here is a bonus: I'm no chemist, but word on the street is that alkyds are more archival than traditional oils. Interesting. Traditional oil painters love to poo poo on innovation (yes yes often justifiably), but the old masters would have loved using all sorts of great modern materials. While nothing will substitute for a training with traditional methods and materials, I made the decision early on that I wanted to spend more time painting and less time suffering. Mixing pigments into black oil gave me a wonderful appreciation for quality tubed paint, and a knowledge of what consistency to look for in tubed paint. Stretching and priming my own linen and learning how to create good panels gave me an appreciation for high quality manufactured panels. I'm here to paint.
(Caveat: Even though I don't use it anymore, I still think Schuler-made Maroger medium has the most glorious/delicious/versatile handling properties of all the mediums, and I've tried practically everything. The consistency feels like 2 parts room temp butter, 1 part jelly. Hey, that sounds pretty good. Are you still reading this? Your commitment impresses me.)]

Forgot to snap a pic of the setup, so here is the first stage:

Next stage:

Next stage:

And the finished painting, "Dyad" (9x12):

(Click through the image above to Like it, Pin it, Tweet it)

And another painting. The setup:

First stage:




And the finished painting, "Awake" (9x12):

(Click through the image above to Like it, Pin it, Tweet it)

In addition to the Boldbrush award mentioned last week, my painting "The Deadlift" is an April Finalist in the Raymar competition! Read judge's comments here.
"The Deadlift" will be in the next group show at Gallery 1261, opening June 6th.

Until next week,
David A. N. Cheifetz

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