David Cheifetz Newsletter | June 1
Sent: 6/1/2014 5:11:26 PM

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Dear Subscribers,


Still a few spots open in the 2-day Still Life Composition & Knife-painting Workshop July 5-6! Workshop reviews on my Teaching page.

"X-2" at Gallery 1261 opens on Friday! It will be awesome. Unfortunately I'm not gonna make it out to Denver this time, but if you check it out, please email me and let me know how it went! And say hi for me.

Began a new still life.
The setup: 

Back to foil. It's just so interesting to paint. Satisfying. That and I've never completed a foil painting that didn't sell (knock on wood), so other people must like it too, eh? I guess humans are like magpies. 

I wrapped that glass three times before it had the nice foily look that I wanted.

First stage, brush:

Next, knife from here on out:



I wanted to push focus to the foil covered wine glass. My values in the rest of the painting (above) were much too contrasty, too distracting. I went back over things and squashed the value range to a very high key in everything except the foil covered glass which will have light lights AND dark darks. I'm looking at the painting and it appears even more ghostly in real life. 

Right now I see that the color relationships need to be resolved and more incorporated/united, but first that drapery needs a lot more love. To be continued.......

Until next week,
David A. N. Cheifetz

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