Dear Subscribers,
wrote up a great article titled "New Territory" for my solo show! Check out the October issue #108 of AAC on the magazine racks:
The Solo Show is coming so soon. While I waited for this week's progress shots to upload, I made some banners for facebook and the website. For giggles:
New still life. Flrrblz are back. They'd been hibernating for a while.
The setup:
The glass beaker things are filled with water and food coloring. I acquired some vintage-looking electronics and tools from the thrift store. You'll be seeing more from that haul.
I'm lucky to get some studio visits:
I wonder how she'll like her first solo show next month...
First stage:
This one started a bit more free form than usual. I didn't yet know the pose of the flrrbl or the spilling goo, both of which would come from imagination. I knew the rough location of everything--my goal was to make a composition that spiraled inward.
And the finished painting, "Catalyze" (14x11):
(Click through the image above to Like it, Pin it, Tweet it)
View the larger image HERE.
A closeup of the Flrrbl:
Until next week,
David A. N. Cheifetz
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